Saturday, June 14, 2014

Bella at Midnight by Diane Stanley

Bella at Midnight by Diane Stanley, 278 pages

Told from the perspective of just about every character, the book unfolds the history of Bella who was born a knight's daughter but raised a peasant. When her mother dies in childbirth, her father wants nothing to do with her or her mother's family. Poor Bella is rescued by her mother's sister who drops her off with a peasant woman who was the Prince's wet nurse. Bella grows up into a beauty with a heart to match, but soon her father comes back into  her life to steal her away. Through hardships and trials, Bella becomes everything she was destined to be and more -- (with the help of some very magical gifts). It was, unfortunately, very hard for me to finish the book because of the differing viewpoints and jumping timelines.

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