Monday, May 1, 2023

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

 Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen-368 pages

Jacob Jankowski falls on hard times after his parents unexpectedly die in a car accident in the 1930s. He joins the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show by accident after jumping their train. This is a story about Jacob and his time with the Benzini Brothers circus where he meets Marlena and works as a veterinarian for Uncle Al and August. Marlena is married to August who is the leader of the animal Menagerie. Jacob and Marlena quickly become star-crossed lovers, but can't act on it for fear of August and Uncle Al. Events unfold somewhat slowly early but very quickly near the end and this has a fairly surprising ending. I liked this book, although some of the things that happen are pretty sad. I would rate this 4 out 5 stars, though.

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