Monday, March 14, 2022

Diablo Mesa by Preston/Child


Diablo Mesa by Preston & Child-385 pages

(Nora Kelly#3)
Archeologist Nora Kelly is hired by Lucas Tappan, a billionaire who wants her to head up a careful, scientific excavation of the Roswell Incident site where a UFO is alleged to have crashed in 1947.  Nora is not a believer, but as evidence mounts she begins to wonder if it is indeed true that aliens had landed at the site.  

Nora's excavation immediately uncovers two murder victims buried at the site, faces and hands obliterated with acid to erase their identities. In comes Special Agent Corrie Swanson is to take over the case. As Nora’s excavation proceeds, Corrie’s homicide investigation throws open a Pandora's box of espionage and violence, uncovering bloody traces of a powerful force that will stop at nothing to protect its secrets.  Leaves you wondering once again whose side our government is on.  

I enjoyed this installment of the series.  Kind of way outside the box.  Usually we have a familiar character do a cameo appearance, but we did not in this one.  So I missed him. (That was a hint)!  I recommend this series.

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