Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Junie B. First Grader Cheater Pants by Barbara Park

Junie B. First Grader Cheater Pants by Barbara Park - 86 pages

In another hilarious story by Barbara Park, Junie B. is up to her normal antics.  She knows that cheating is wrong but copying homework isn't really cheating, is it? Junie B. isn't able to finish her weekend homework and is given a break when May leaves her homework on her desk to take the attendance to the office.  Junie B. decides to copy May's homework but doesn't realize that the homework assignment is to talk about what she did that weekend.  When Mr. Scary realizes that Junie B. copied May's homework, he has a stern talk with her about cheating.  She swears she won't do it again, until the very next day there is a spelling test that she forgot to study for.  In the end, Junie B. admits to cheating on the test.  This is another great book by Barbara Park with a valuable life lesson.

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