Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Flame Bearer by Bernard Cornwell

The Flame Bearer by Bernard Cornwell - 284 pages
Saxon Tales #10

The latest volume in Cornwell's historical saga takes readers to the latter days of the uniting of England into one nation from warring armies.  Uhtred of Bebbanburg has spent his whole life fighting to return to the home that was taken from him as a child by a traitorous Uncle.  This book sees him very close to this goal but beset by foes from all sides looking to either conquer Uhtred or to use him for their own ends. 

Cornwell's writes incredibly vivid battle scenes that read like the best action movies.  The Saxon Tales series is Game of Thrones set in a more grounded world.  There is magic in this world but it exists in a swirl of religious and pagan mythology that rings very true for the time period.  There are no dragons, just men and women seeing the unknown and interpreting it through their experiences as otherworldly at times.   

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