Thursday, January 23, 2014

Deadpool Killustrated, by Cullen Bunn, 96 pages

Deadpool Killustrated, by Cullen Bunn, 96 pages

They say that this makes more sense if you read Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, but it makes sense on its own just fine.  Deadpool is a mercenary in the Marvel Universe- he kills all sorts of comic characters.  But by this volume, Deadpool has become self-aware, and is intent on killing the very idea of superheroes, etc, which begins in the "classics."  So Deadpool goes out into the universe and kills Moby Dick, the ladies of Little Women (don't worry- he doesn't walk away unscathed), the Musketeers, and other literary characters, in his attempt kill the root of the Marvel characters.  Meanwhile, he is being tracked by Sherlock Holmes and a gang of other literary characters, intent on saving their own existences.  This book was pretty wild- I thought it was funny, and as a lover of reading, etc, there are some interesting allusions made.  There's some mild gore, though, that might offend those of a sensitive nature.

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