Friday, August 24, 2012

Civil War, by Mark Millar

Civil War, by Mark Millar, 208 pages

Marvel Civil War was a crossover series within the Marvel universe, but this volume provides background to why it started.  When a group of untrained "superheroes" take on super villains way out of their league, they accidentally kill hundreds of innocent bystanders.  Tony Stark (Iron Man) sides with most citizens, the government, SHIELD, and some other superheroes (notably Reed Richards) in believing that superheroes should be licensed and trained, as well as registered with their true identities, in order to prevent rogue, untrained superheroes from future devastation.  Captain America, however, and many of the superheroes with secret identities, feel that it is an invasion of their privacy and that they are being asked to compromise the way they've been "heroing" for decades.  These two sides become even more polarized when superheroes are killed, traps are set, and prisons are filled.  It is thought-provoking, and references a great deal of characters that the average reader might not know or be familiar with.

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