Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Crazy Rich Asians, Kevin Kwan | 544 pages

 Read for book club.

When history professor Nick invites his girlfriend Rachel (also a professor, in Econ) home to Singapore for the summer, he leaves out a few crucial details - like the fact his family is "richer than God." At well over 500 pages... nothing happens to the main characters. They're dating in the beginning and still dating in the end. Every brand name on the planet has been dropped and OOOH look another private jet! But seriously, nothing happens, and the few things that do happen are left unresolved (like, how mad IS Grandma? Will Nick have the balls to contradict her?). There is more relationship/personal development with Astrid and Michael than with Nick and Rachel but even still, it's left wide open. I realize this is the first in a series, but each book needs to resolve. I'm not going to read another 500+ pages of unrelatable wealth just to see if they overcome their challenges.

I prefer my fluff with a plot, at least something I can relate to, and a tidy heartwarming ending. I've heard the movie is better - they take the best parts and edit out the rest.

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