Friday, June 28, 2024

The Body by Stephen King

 The Body by Stephen King, 181 pages

The Body takes place in 1960's Maine and tells the story of four boys who venture forth to find the mortal remains of Ray Brower, a missing kid from a nearby town.  Their perilous journey forces them to navigate nature, the edges of society, and the unyielding circle of life.

This novella was adapted into the 1986 film Stand By Me, a film I've treasured since childhood.  I was hesitant to read the story at first because of the high esteem in which I hold the movie, but my fears proved (largely) unfounded.  Many lines were taken directly from the novella, which warms my book nerd heart. We also got to read a couple of the short stories Geordie "wrote," which appeals to me because I enjoy stories-in-a-story. King did a great job of giving Geordie a voice, and you can learn a lot from someone by reading their writing, even the creative bits.

Stand By Me shall forever reign over my heart, but The Body has carved its own dark corner in my attention. 

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