Monday, October 23, 2023

Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison

 Black Sheep by Rachel Harrison-289 pages


Vesper is unceremoniously fired from her waitress job at Shortee's restaurant after covering a shift for a coworker and being sexually harassed by customers. Soon after, she gets an invitation to go to her cousin's wedding in the community where she grew up. However, once you leave this stringent religious community you're not allowed back. The invitation is a bit puzzling and troubling to Vesper, but she decides to go nonetheless because she was close to her cousin and the man she's marrying. When she arrives back "home" it's as if nothing much has changed. There are some twists and turns, but I did see some of them coming. Overall, though, it's a pretty good horror novel and I wouldn't be opposed to reading other books by Harrison. I give it 3 out of 5 stars. 

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