Thursday, August 31, 2023

DK Biography: Abraham Lincoln: A Photographic Story of a Life by Tanya Lee Stone

 DK Biography: Abraham Lincoln: A Photographic Story of a Life by Tanya Lee Stone-128 pages

This is a short, but informative biography of the 16th President of the United States. I already knew some about his life, especially his time as President. However, I did learn a few new things, especially about his childhood and life before his Presidency. For example, Lincoln worked many different odd jobs including working at general stores and co-owning a general store. He did a lot of things before becoming a lawyer and then politician. His positions on issues evolved over time. For most of his life up until the time he issued the Emancipation Proclamation he simply didn't want to allow slavery to extend. It could continue to exist where it was already legal. Lincoln was against slavery but was not a staunch abolitionist. Some may not realize that he used a lot of executive powers during the Civil War, including suspending the writ of Habeas Corpus to have southern sympathizers (especially in Maryland, so that they wouldn't secede and Washington wouldn't be surrounded) arrested. Also, income tax was instituted during the Civil War as a way to pay for the growing costs of the war. Lincoln is considered by many to be one of the greatest presidents (and I agree). He didn't have much formal schooling. He mostly taught himself to read and write and law, among other subjects. This was a pretty light, easy read and I would recommend it to anyone wanting a basic knowledge of Lincoln. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. 

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