Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Innocence Denied: A Holocaust Childhood by Johannes Krane


Innocence Denied: A Holocaust Childhood by Johannes Krane - 236 pages

During what was known as the “Hunger Winter” of 1944-45, thousands of Dutch citizens were literally starving to death under the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

10-year-old Johannes Krane and his older brother Dick lived in Beverwijk, a small town northwest of Amsterdam. Their parents were both deaf and mute.

How would their family survive the cruelties of the Nazi occupiers and life in the streets of their city? There was no answer but to support their mother's efforts to trade on the black market and steal from businesses and the authorities – perilous activities, punishable by death.

This memoir chronicles the haunting experiences of a boy who survived to save his family through cunning and desperation, thus being robbed forever of a happy childhood – an INNOCENCE DENIED by the evils of war.


Johannes Krane was born and educated in the Netherlands. After World War II and the Nazi occupation of his country, he emigrated to the United States and finished his education. Mr. Krane eventually became a successful businessman in Silicon Valley and founded several organizations, including art galleries, inspired by his profound love of art. He also established an online used bookstore, Elephant Books, during the early days of Amazon, and published several well-received self-help books.

This is an incredible story; I was amazed at the strength this family had to survive.  I could not imagine having to go through all of the hardships they endured, especially with two deaf and mute parents.  It is a sad story but also heartwarming to read about how people helped each other to survive. 

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