Sunday, April 30, 2023

Censorshipped by Savannah Scott

Censorshipped (Getting Shipped! #4) by Savannah Scott, 402 p.

"Duke’s always been like a big brother to me … a big brother with abs of steel, a heart of gold, and those dimples that make my heart rate double whenever he smiles. As far as Duke's concerned, I’ll always be his best friend Chris’ little sister—the little girl who dunked his Darth Vader action figure in Elmers glue and glitter. Even if Duke noticed me, it wouldn’t matter. I’m so off limits, I may as well be wearing an outfit made entirely of caution tape. We both know Chris would enlist a special ops tactical team to hunt Duke down if he ever pursued anything beyond friendship with me. 

Good thing I’m over Duke. One hundred percent attraction-free, that’s me. Well, mostly … until I accidentally send him one of my usual scrambled texts (thank you, autocorrect) … and he thinks I’m hitting on him. I’m mortified enough to momentarily consider relocating someplace obscure like Greenland. I can never show my face around town again. I’ll buy a parka and an ice pick and learn to love fish. A lot. But then Duke answers my text … Am I dreaming? He’s not mad. He’s not even making fun of me. In fact, it seems like he might be flirting back I guess I might not be completely over this crush after all."--Goodreads blurb

 This book just wasn't for me. I was on board for the first quarter of it, but little things started to annoy me, like the casual toxic masculinity. Once I finished the scene where Shannon met an old fling of Duke's and a bit of drama ensued, yet they kept referring to it as a trial they overcame and their relationship would be all the more strong for overcoming hardship, I was out. Come. On. I can be on board with a fun, mindless romance, but this was a bit much for me, who is a lover of love in general. I've never read this author before, and I did come in to this series in book four, but they are all pretty standalone from what I can tell. I may give her another chance in the future, but this book was a nope for me. 2.5 rounded up to 3 stars.

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