Sunday, December 12, 2021

Fauci: Expect the Unexpected by Anthony Fauci and National Geographic Society (Editor)

Fauci: Expect the Unexpected by Dr. Anthony Fauci and National Geographic Society (Editor)-96 pages

Ten Lessons are presented here from interviews with Fauci featured in a documentary on National Geographic. Fauci gives much great advice in these pages. For instance, he encourages perseverance, tolerance, and service for the greater good, among other things. He has spent decades working with and treating infectious diseases, even though he was scoffed at in the beginning. His colleagues thought that infectious diseases was a dying field. How wrong they were! Dr. Fauci discusses empathizing above all. He tells a story about his mom reading a newspaper article about the U.S. dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. His mom got emotional over the lives lost even though Japan was an enemy and that stuck with Dr. Fauci. To this day, he tries to empathize above all. I like Dr. Fauci's attitude of service. He seems like a genuine and sincere person who is doing his best to serve the country (and the world). I have gained more respect for him as a result of reading this short book. It seems that he has been unjustly vilified and mocked by some in this country, especially certain media. He is simply trying his best to do his job. I hope more people read this book. 

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