Sunday, November 7, 2021

Star Wars, Vol. 8: Mutiny at Mon Cala by Kieron Gillen

Star Wars, Vol. 8: Mutiny at Mon Cala by Kieron Gillen-144 pages

I really enjoyed reading this comic/graphic novel. Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewie, R2-D2, and C-3PO set out on a mission to rescue the King of Mon Cala from an Imperial high security prison. The goal is to get him to authorize the Mon Cala fleet to aid the Rebellion since the regent (who is in the King's place) won't. They will have to kidnap the Moff of the Mon Cala region and replace him with a being who can replicate him. First, they have to rescue said being from a prison. Will Leia and the gang succeed? Will Mon Cala's fleet aid the Rebellion or not?

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