Friday, May 29, 2015

Sidney Chambers and the Forgiveness of Sins by James Runcie

Sidney Chambers and the Forgiveness of Sins (Grantchster Mysteries, Volume 4) by James Runcie --- 400 pages

Fourth is the Grantchester Mysteries series featuring Canon Sidney Chambers, an Anglican priest with a habit of getting mixed up in police business. The setting is postwar Britain, first Cambridge and later Ely in the Fen country. This volume features six loosely connected episodes. It is now the mid1960s; Sidney has been promoted in the church hierarchy and he assumes this requires him to put his investigative ventures behind him. Easier said than done, especially when the Dean (his ecclesiastical boss) wants Sidney's investigative skills employed on his behalf. The cases in this book run the gamut from marital infidelity to domestic violence, bullying and sex abuse, theft, fraud, fire and flood, as well as murder.  As always with Sidney, it's not just about right and wrong, but all the various degrees of guilt and innocence --- including his own.

Runcie, the son of the late Archbishop of Canterbury, grew up within the world he evokes with quiet perception. Two more books are planned in the series. The Grantchester Mysteries have been serialized on ITV in Great Britain and shown on PBS in the U.S.

Click HERE to read a review from the Seattle Times.

Click HERE to learn more about Ely Cathedral; its earliest foundation dates to 672 A.D.

Click HERE to learn more about the Fenlands in eastern England.

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