Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hunting with the Bow and Arrow

Hunting with the Bow and Arrow by Saxton Pope 
an ebook of 171 pages read on my Nook. Originally written in 1923.
This book is considered a classic in archery circles. In the early 20th century archery was pretty much obsolete. If one had a firearm, why waste time with a bow?
Saxton Pope was a medical doctor at the University of California. Ishi was the last member of the Yahi indian tribe who worked as a janitor at the museum near the University. Ishi taught Pope to make his own archery equipment, how to hunt various animals, as well to make calls that would draw animals into range. Pope went on to shoot animals from as small as squirrels and as large a grizzly bear with the equipment he had made with his own hands.


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