Thursday, October 4, 2012

Delicate Edible Birds, by Lauren Groff

Delicate Edible Birds, by Lauren Groff, 306 pages

This was a collection of short stories that I grabbed solely based on the cover art.  As is usually the case with short stories, some were just alright, while others were quite touching.  Each story revolves around the life of a woman.  "Lucky Chow Fun" is about a teenager preparing for college; "L. Debard and Aliette" is a bittersweet love story that takes place after WWI, but during the Spanish Flu outbreak; "Majorette" was a story I found especially touching, about a girl who grows up, becomes a mother, and reflects on life as a female in America; "Blythe" is a story about outgrowing your friendships; "The Wife of the Dictator" is about an American woman who marries a Latin American dictator (and that can only end one way); "Sir Fleeting" is about life and love, and realizing that people are not just the collection of our memories of them; "Watershed" is about love and marriage that literally made me cry; and the titular story takes place during the fall of France in WWII and how friends can turn on each other.

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