Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher

The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher, 257 pages

I so eagerly anticipated the arrival of this book.  I had heard that it had something to do with an affair Carrie had with Harrison Ford during the filming of Star Wars.  I thought the book would be just a small snippet of the tryst, but what I found was that this was the basis of the entire book.  I am not sure how I felt after reading this.  Harrison Ford was married at the time and Carrie was very young.  I believe she was around 19 at the time.  Carrie does not divulge much about the affair except it was purely physical and ended after their return to the United States.  What Carrie does delve into is how filming a movie at such a young age affected her confidence and self esteem.  Also, being one of the only females involved with the filming of Star Wars was also a very interesting fact.

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